Category: Critics

I saw the whales

Andrea Collesano is a liquid artist, able to dictate his visions with finesse. His works of art submerge caress and go beyond. His almost indelible ink is the best technique to describe fauna and sea on a skillfully handcrafted, never uniform paper. I saw the whales I feel like shouting out all this varied universe….

The Whale

        Questo è il mio mare, il mio mondo che sol di sogni vive: è il più bel mare del mondo. Milva Guglielmo Menconi

De Rerum Natura / Supra Terram

    A long and detailed process brings to realize a slow research, proceeding by reflections and willing to show an unreal world where the species of animal kingdom live in perfect accord and union, an equilibrium with the universe through the sole harmony among the differences. In Supra Terram , plants and theirs fruits, natural and vital lymph for several…

Collesano, new Bocklin

If I should’nt be alive / When the Robins come, Give the one in Red Cravat, / A Memorial crumb If I could’nt thank you, / Being fast asleep, You will know I’m trying / With my Granite lip!                  Emily Dickinson Guglielmo Menconi